Leave it to Santa Fe to build a recreational center that is an icon to Santa Fe values. The Genoveva Chavez Community Center is at once an art piece of exquisite design, a testament to environmental sensitivity, and a supporter and champion of community…
Cultural & Community Events
Collaborative Art Santa Fe: Part II
Here’s the second in a series of posts showcasing remarkable acts of collaboration in the Santa Fe Art Community. If you caught Currents 2011, you’ll likely remember the video installation “Interference.” The title describes a rubble-strewn urban wasteland that shifts to lush forest when interfered with by a human presence. Interactive videos were a big […]
Changing Gallery Presents “Practical Nonsense”
On April 16th, from 4-8 PM, Changing Gallery hosts the Opening for “Practical Nonsense: a mercantile of the bizarre and unusual.” This solo exhibition by artist Esteban Bojorquez features “assemblage and readymades in the spirit of dadaism and mad humor.” Many pieces were crafted specifically to play off the special character of Changing Gallery’s current […]
Wee OK: Documentary Photographs of New Orleans
Sprayed across the door and siding of a home abandoned after Katrina is the message, “Wee OK” plus three names and a phone number. The extra “e” is blurred, perhaps half erased, perhaps just a burp of the spraycan, an unconscious error and unwitting double entrendre. “Wee OK.” Not fully or grandly okay. Just a […]
Polymorphic Polymediac: Artist RosS Hamlin
Thoughtful, articulate, polite and professional, RosS knows that to get all that wild-minded, perspective-changing creative brilliance before the world, you have to be functional, albeit with a flourish…